Rules for authors

Scientific articles, publications of documents and monuments, bibliographic and source reviews, reviews of new publications, reports on scientific events and activities in English, which correspond to the profile of the publication and the current state of science, are accepted for publication.

The editors do not consider descriptive and review articles, as well as those that are not of general interest and do not contain significant conclusions. Each article must be tested for plagiarism and reviewed by leading experts in the relevant scientific field. The publication is based on the dates of submission of the article and the end of the review. As a result, the article may be recommended for publication, returned for revision, or rejected. No more than one article by one author can be published in one issue.

The presentation of the article should be clear, concise, the text is literary without repetitions. The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of the presented material, for the belonging of this material to him personally, for the correct citation of sources and references to them. Articles whose design does not meet these requirements are not accepted for publication.

The volume of the article is 8-12 pages of text (up to 25 thousand characters (as an exception, no more than 35 thousand characters). and lower - 2.0 cm, left - 2.0 cm, right - 1.0 cm, A-4 format.

The UDC index (universal decimal classifier) ​​is placed in the upper left corner of the sheet, in the usual font. The UDC index is determined by the author.

Information about the author (authors) is indicated in English and Ukrainian after the UDC index (command - text width alignment) with indication of surname and name, scientific degree and academic title, position, place of work, full address, e-mail of each co-author; line below - numbers: ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus-Author ID (indicated in the presence of indexed publications in Scopus) and the DOI indication (assigned by the editors) ).

All information is given in the nominative case. The name of the author (authors) is highlighted in bold and italics, other information - only in italics. Available in Ukrainian and English. The ORCID, ResearcherID, and Scopus-Author ID are assigned by the author.

Bibliographic description of the article: Levyrskyy, О. (2017). Clergy formation questions the in the authorities of Zamosс and Lviv synodes. "Good Parson", (10-11), 32–44. doi: _____.

Article title. In the title it is desirable not to use complicated terminology of pseudo-scientific nature. Capital letters, a separate paragraph without indents of the first line with alignment in the center. Available in Ukrainian and English.

The abstract is submitted in Ukrainian and English (at least 1,800 characters with spaces in each annotation). The abstract is submitted in accordance with the requirements of scientometric databases as a structured abstract, and should contain the following selected elements: purpose of work, methodology, scientific novelty, conclusions.

Keywords - words from the text of the material, which from the point of view of information retrieval carry a meaningful load. Keywords are presented in the nominative case, the total number of keywords - not less than three and not more than seven, are presented in Ukrainian and English.

An obligatory requirement for articles is an appropriate level of translation of the English text. Articles with a low level of English translation will not be considered and the editors will not correspond with its author.

The main part of the article should contain the following structural elements: problem statement; analysis of recent research and publications; the purpose of the article; presenting main material; conclusions and prospects for further exploration of this issue. All parts of the article should be highlighted.

List of used sources and literature. In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to the scientific professional publication and international standards of scientific publications, two separate lists of used sources and literature should be submitted:

1) the first, "List of used sources and literature", is formed in alphabetical order, without numbering, in the language of the cited sources, first in Cyrillic, then in Latin;

2) the second, "References", necessary for the correct indexing of article references by scientometric and search engines; he duplicates the first list in Latin and cites Cyrillic sources in transliterated form ( and translation (author's research titles). For transliteration of the Ukrainian text it is necessary to rely on the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 27, 2010 № 55, site of Online transliteration. For transliteration of the Russian text - the system of the US Department of State.

After automatic transliteration, it is necessary to check the correctness of the result and make the necessary adjustments. Transliterated literature and sources should contain only elements important for analytical processing (authors' names, name of the original source, source data). In the bibliography, the titles of works in languages ​​where non-Latinized alphabets are used must be translated into English and placed in square brackets; the names of the sources must be transliterated, at the end the language of the original should be indicated in square brackets.

The list is formed in alphabetical order in Latin without numbering.

If the cited source is in English (for example, an article in a scientific journal), it is necessary to indicate it for the correct citation.

Both lists must be compiled according to the APA International Bibliographic Standard. Mandatory use of 2-3 sources with DOI number.

The use of Cyrillic characters is not allowed in the References list, so links in the second list must be in Latin. To check the presence of Cyrillic letters in the Latin text (and vice versa - Latin in Cyrillic), you can use any program ( After automatic transliteration, it is necessary to check the correctness of the result and make the necessary adjustments. In the bibliography, the titles of works in languages ​​where non-Latinized alphabets are used must be translated into English and placed in square brackets; the names of the sources must be transliterated, at the end the language of the original should be indicated in square brackets.

The titles of periodicals (journals) should be given in accordance with the official Latin spelling of the ISSN registration number, which can be easily found on the journal's website or in any scientific online database.

The list of used sources and literature must be prepared STRICTLY with the established requirements. All literary sources in the article should be referenced. References should be given in parentheses instead of numbered references, by indicating the author's name and year of work in parentheses, separating the page number with a comma (Kentiy, 1999, p. 56). Archival sources in the text are fully disclosed: (GDA SBU, f. 2, op. 31, spr. 4, ark. 89).

The end of the article should include a thank you (to those who provided assistance during the research, eg institutions, organizations, foundations, individual employees, etc.) and information on research funding.

Acknowledgments. Sincere thanks to the rector of the Higher Education Institution «Kherson Academy of Continuing Education», Zubko Anatoliy.

Funding. The author received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Additional requirements to the text of the article:

- each abbreviation (or abbreviation) should be entered in the text in parentheses after the first mention of the corresponding full phrase and only then it can be used;

- to give references to all tables and figures in the text of the article;

- all tables must have headings (above the table, a separate paragraph of text, without indentation, bold);

- drawings must be accompanied by captions (under the figure, a separate paragraph, bold, centered, without indentation; the signature must not be an element of the figure); number pictures in the order of references in the text;

- put only one space between words;

- distinguish between dashes (-) and hyphens (-). A hyphen is a sign that connects parts of complex words. When printed, it is marked with a small horizontal line (-), and is not separated by words from spaces. A dash is a punctuation mark used to denote direct speech, pauses, before it (it is), here, then, here (it) means. Dashes in the text must be separated by spaces on both sides;

- do not separate from the previous figure the degree sign, minutes, seconds, percent (25 °; 5 '; 30' '; 77%);

- separate with an inseparable space (simultaneous pressing Ctrl + Shift + Space) characters and letters to define volumes, parts, paragraphs, paragraphs, page numbers, etc. from the next digit (Vol. 7; Part 23; § 5; № 34; p. 28–30); generally accepted designations of units of measurement from the previous figure (45 poods; 150 UAH; 32 km; 6 million; 45 thousand);

- separate the initials and surname with an inseparable space (VA Lavrenov); abbreviations after lists (type, etc., etc.), before names and surnames (Natalka, V. Vynnychenko), before geographical names (Chernivtsi, Moryntsi, Zolota Lypa) );

- reduction of type 80th, 2nd to print through an inseparable hyphen (simultaneous pressing of the keys Strl + Shift + Hyphen);

- quotation marks use even quotation marks ("");

- the apostrophe should look like this - ’;

- allow to pass through a dash with spaces. Before the reductions of years, years, art. put an inseparable space. If given in parentheses, then "years". not to write (1861, 1945 - 1947, (1945 - 1947), XV - XVIII centuries). In combinations to denote decades, put dashes with spaces between the dates: 40's - 50's, 1940's - 60's. 2012/13 budget year);

- time and numerical intervals should be drawn through dashes without spaces (July-August; 36-44);

- in digital data that include more than five digits, put an inseparable space after every three digits (13,255; 457,357; 46,532.5 kg.);

- any clarifications, comments, selections, etc. made by the author, which are inserted into the citation, should be made according to the following template:

M. Hrushevsky points to another no less negative: “It was a disaster also from the fact that this scholastic school generally gave very little real knowledge and no encouragement to it, to the positive sciences. And also because this school had very little to do with the real life of the Ukrainian people in the past and present, it had a very weakly marked national character in the broadest sense of the word "(Hrushevsky, 1906, p. 478) (emphasis added. - Author).



Scientific articles must be saved in RTF text format and signed by the author's name (for example, Ivanenko.rtf)
When submitting an article, authors must submit scanned copies of the signed license agreement and a recommendation of the article for publication, prepared by a specialist in the relevant field.

Example of materials design