2015: nostalgia for Giants or 'Rahmans, where are you'?


  • Mariya Fedushchak Ivano-Frankivsk city center children's and youth creativity


Andrey Sheptytsky, Metropolitan, UGCC


Feeling uncomfortable today, Ukrainians aspire to catch up with those who developed in more prosperous conditions. First, after gaining independence, the cause of their troubles, we mostly considered external factors. The revolution of dignity revealed both our heroism and ours scantiness, prompted to look inside.



How to Cite

Федущак, М. (2015). 2015: nostalgia for Giants or ’Rahmans, where are you’?. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (8), 346–351. Retrieved from http://journal.ifaiz.edu.ua/index.php/gp/article/view/164