Greek catholic clergy of Stanislaviv diocese is prisoner of talergof camp (1914 – 1917)


  • Yuriy Plekan Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


Russophils, prisoners of the camp of Talergof, Terezian, East Galicia, Bukovyna, Moscophil societies, “Talergofskiy Almanac”, M. Levytskyy, P. Glibovytskyy, O. Gelitovych


In the article punitive actions and pursuit of supporters of Moscophil in East Galicia and Bukovyna at the beginning of the first world war by Austrian military administration are analysed. The analysis of life and way of life of prisoners of the camps in Talergof and Terezian from 1914 till 1917 is given. The district lists of greek catholic priests of Stanislaviv diocese which were imprisoned and interneesed to the different camps on territory of Austria and Czekh are also given.



How to Cite

Плекан, Ю. (2017). Greek catholic clergy of Stanislaviv diocese is prisoner of talergof camp (1914 – 1917). Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (10-11), 293–296. Retrieved from