Modern Challenges of Christianity in Confession of Faith in the Holy Trinity in the Light of Recent Heretical Beliefs


  • Vasyl Tuchapets PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy Ivana Zolotoustoho"


Christianity, faith in the Holy Trinity, Creed, problematic judgments: heresy


The author of the article, based on the ideas of the Second Vatican Council, examines the problems of the modern challenges faced by the UGCC Christian in confessing his faith in the Holy Trinity in the context of the successful dissemination of the latest heretical views on God, reflected in particular in the teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons. The fundamental question that is discussed in the article: Why does a certain part of Christians in Ukraine so easily renounce the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and accept the heretical, but more simply, teaching of God that propagates the newly formed communities of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Mormons, etc.? The aim of the study was to formulate the main priorities of the modern recognition of the faith in the Holy Trinity and to critically understand the methodologies used in heretical communities. Thanks to the analysis of the Trinitarian doctrine from the beginning of its formation by the Fathers of the Church, through the medieval development of theology to the present, in the process of research, a theological synthesis of judgments, ideas and proposals has been formed. Priority conclusions of the article include: 1) The need for a more detailed study and continuous monitoring of the methodologies of teaching about God in heretical communities and the creation of integrated pastoral and theological counterbalances by the Church on the biblical, theological and social-social plane for the preservation and spread of the truths of the Holy Scriptures of the Triune God. 2) Theological teaching of Christians about the mysterium of the Holy Trinity must be restored, to deviate from complex philosophical and theological terms in the direction of working out a new, comprehensible for the modern man of theological language about God expressed by simpler concepts. 3) In light of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and the recommendations of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, it is necessary to improve not only the way of learning, but also the way of recognizing the faith in the Holy Trinity. That is why it is necessary to begin the process of propagating the idea of writing a new, simple and integral symbol of faith for a modern Christian of the UGCC.


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How to Cite

Тучапець, В. (2018). Modern Challenges of Christianity in Confession of Faith in the Holy Trinity in the Light of Recent Heretical Beliefs. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (12-13), 119–130. Retrieved from

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