Greek Catholic clergy in the structure of ethno-national transformations: the Pokut space in the interwar period (on the example of the village of Markivtsi)


  • Nataliia Vynnyk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University


Greek-Catholic Church, Pokuttia, ethno-political processes


The article analyses main research tendencies and perspectives of the modern Ukrainian historiography of the key aspects of history of the The article presents scientific analysis of works whose authors consider the national character of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church between the First and Second Wars region of Pokuttya. The article opens up to the ethnopolitical processes of region of Pokuttya.

Greko-Catholic clergy was an important ethnopolitical factor of the Ukrainian state in East Galicia and Caroused, contributed to the development of not only the spiritual life of Ukrainians, but also took an active part in public life, to a certain extent, promitatoare and assist the polonisation of the Ukrainian population of the region from the Polish state.the Greek Catholic clergy was important ethnopolitical factor of the Ukrainian state in East Galicia and Caroused, contributed to the development of not only the spiritual life of Ukrainians, but also took an active part in public life, to a certain extent, promitatoare and assist the polonisation of the Ukrainian population of the region from the Polish side.

Priests and laymen were etnopolicy important factor of the Ukrainian state. The Church has demonstrated its ability to convey to the citizens of the state of spiritual and cultural values, to contribute to the spiritual and national revival A greco-catholic church and representatives of her clergyaimed to overcome the problem of illiteracy, brought up young people on Christian principles. However overcomingilliteracy and semiliteracy in an intermilitary period was notsucceeded both through subjective and objective reason samong that most ponderable nationally education alolitics of Polish power is preconceived in relation to national minorities. The most revered person in the village was the priest, reflecting its status as a religious authority in a traditional society. The priesthood, which is the only layer that could lead the resistance to polonisation and germanisation of the region, unfortunately, not had a proper education. In an environment clergies deepened processes of self-government and self-education. By then most Greco-catholik priests were distinguished by kind knowledge of history of Ukraine, features of Ukrainian, world view of the Ukrainian people, his customs and traditions.


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How to Cite

Винник, Н. (2018). Greek Catholic clergy in the structure of ethno-national transformations: the Pokut space in the interwar period (on the example of the village of Markivtsi). Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (12-13), 229–236. Retrieved from

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