Public activity of the Greek Catholic rural clergy in Pokut (end of the XIX - 30s of the XX century)


  • Oksana Drogobytska Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


priests, peasants, public activity, Pokuttya


The article analyzes the public activity of the Greek Catholic rural clergy at Pokuttya at the end of ХІХth – 30th years of the ХХ century. The author aims to find out the main components of the clergy's social activities during this period. The important influence of the clergyman on the daily life of the village community was noted. The author claims that the priest belonged to the most respected people in the village and his residence was always at the center of attention of the believers. Often he served as a judge and resolved domestic conflicts among peasants, defending their interests in the authorities.

The role of priests and their family members in the process of establishing “Prosvita” community centers, women's and youth organizations, kindergartens, village choirs and amateur theater groups is disclosed. On the basis of readers, the clergy organized courses for nonliterate, various circles, speeches, conversations, lectures, etc.

The clergy Pokuttya conducted an active struggle against alcoholism. Priests or members of their families usually performed as rural doctors. In an effort to raise the peasants' economic standard of living, they contributed to the development of Ukrainian cooperation.

The author emphasizes that the representatives of the rural clergy devoted considerable attention to the formation of national consciousness among the general population due to the commemoration of historical dates, and also contributed to the growth of the number of Ukrainian intellectuals.

They made a significant contribution to the process of cultural-educational and socioeconomic revival of Pokuttia at the end of ХІХth – 30th years of the ХХ century. The most authoritative pastors belonged to Z. Shukhevych, I. Ozarkevich, T. Voynarovsky, I. Pysetsky, S. Makogonsky, O. Osadz, A. Strelchik. These and other clerical representatives enjoyed respect among the local population, influenced the community's decision on important issues, and directed the national movement in the region.


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How to Cite

Дрогобицька, О. (2018). Public activity of the Greek Catholic rural clergy in Pokut (end of the XIX - 30s of the XX century). Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (12-13), 312–325. Retrieved from