Parliamentary activity of Fr. Stepana Kachaly


  • Dmytro Kavatsiuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


Galicia, House of Ambassadors, deputy, election


In the 70's of the nineteenth century, due to the long-lasting political crisis in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, election reform took place. It consisted in the introduction of a curial system for the formation of the Austrian Parliament. As a result, the Rusyn-Ukrainians increased their chances of getting into the Reichsrat. One of those who took advantage of the changes was a Greek-Catholic priest Stepan Kachala. For this, he reached agreement with the Poles deputies and, for their support, went to parliament, where he joined to their faction – Polish circle. A few scientists was interested his work in the Austrian parliament. The main points of Stepan Kachala activities in representative institutions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire researched Ukrainian scientists: Marian Mudryi, Olena Arkusha, Vasyl Plekan and foreign historians Harold Binder, Stanislav Piiai.

In the parliament Stepan Kachala propagated the idea of transformation Habsburg Monarchy in federation, where every nation of a multinational state had the same rights. Due to his views, he became closer to an informal group in the Polish circle, headed by Frantishek Smolka who supported Stepan Kachala. The most important his work in the Reichsrat was the participation in the debate over a new religious law. In this situation Stepan Kachala despite the position of colleagues in the faction, opposed the adoption of the relevant law.

Thus, Stepan Kachala who entered the parliament thanks to the Poles, tried to reach agreement between the Rusyn-Ukrainians and Poles. In order to achieve his goal, he joined the group of Polish federalists, who recognized the right to Rusyn-Ukrainians for free nationalcultural development. Since 1875, his rapprochement with the Ruskyi Club was observed, which was the result of disappointment with the actions of the Polish circle. Despite the fact that Stepan Kachala didn’t make a large number of speeches in parliament, he remained one of the key people in the Reichsrat.


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How to Cite

Кавацюк, Д. (2018). Parliamentary activity of Fr. Stepana Kachaly. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (12-13), 400–408. Retrieved from