Theoretical and conceptual foundations of the study of religious doctrines


  • Olena Berezovska-Chmil Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



religion, doctrine, society, сhurch, authority, government


The article analyzes and systematizes the various theoretical approaches to the interpretation of religion, has an axiological, praxiological and functional aspects of the study of religious doctrines and their influence on contemporary political processes.

The purpose of this article is the conceptualization of the theoretical foundations of the study of religious doctrines with application of methods of comparison, modeling, analysis and synthesis.

It is determined that the influence of religious doctrines on the historical development associated with the system of values that defines the motivation of social activity and features of the social and political relations. Religious motivation can cause social change in society and create a situation where individuals would change their inherent ways of working. Identified that the most important doctrinal function of religion is social integration, the stabilization of social relations, the establishment of humanistic values, peace and mercy.


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How to Cite

Березовська-Чміль, О. (2020). Theoretical and conceptual foundations of the study of religious doctrines. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (14), 102–107.