Can European society do without Christianity?


  • Nataliia (s. Vitaliia) Ivaniuk PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy Ivana Zolotoustoho"



Christianity, christian,, person, dignity, consciousness, freedom, society


The proposed article supports the need for Christianity as a religion that emphasizes the value of a human person, respectful and respectful of dangerous and temporal ideologies and temporal fashions. It indicates the concept of a person as the conquest of Christianity, which no civilization has occupied. It is Christianity that brings the infinite value of every representative human being as unique, unique, autonomous, endowed with the inner world, but capable of being in communion with others. The works of well-known European thinkers are analyzed that believe that Christianity has cultivated the spiritual values and priorities of European society and has allowed Europe to get rid of barbarism. In particular, the necessity of Christian ethics, which helps to live peacefully and favors tolerance and forgiveness, is justified. Evangelical ethics, like no other, teaches sacrifice and love for others. Seeing the needs of others and putting oneself in its place is a call from a Christian who imitates Jesus Christ. It also reveals the necessity of the Christian faith, which helps the individual and society to find answers to the main metaphysical questions and overcome the crisis, which is characterized by the lack of meaning in the life and activity of the individual.


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How to Cite

Іванюк, Н. (с. В. (2020). Can European society do without Christianity?. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (14), 108–118.