Father Porphyry (Peter) Chuchman is an example of the catacomb clergy


  • Lesia Struk Delyatyn Lyceum № 1 of Delyatyn village council united territorial community of Nadvirna district of Ivano-Frankivsk area




Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, eparchy, monasticism, underground, monk


In the context of the study of the features of the monastic life of the Greek Catholics during the underground period, the author highlights the history of the life and ministry of the Studite hieromonk of Peter - Porphyry - Pavel Chuchman. In the difficult realities of the then reality, the monastic community did not cease its activities, retained monastic charter, adhered to monastic vows, and took care of the replenishment of the monastic congregations at the expense of the youth. The Father of Porphyry was characterized by great simplicity, immediacy, meekness and kindness in relation to those who came to him daily with help.


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How to Cite

Струк, Л. (2020). Father Porphyry (Peter) Chuchman is an example of the catacomb clergy. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (14), 232–239. https://doi.org/10.52761/2522-1558.2019.14.21