Man is the image and likeness of God: a biblical perspective


  • Volodymyr Kusniezh Institute of Religious Sciences named after St. Thomas Aquinas, Kyiv


Man, image and likeness of God, Bible, Scripture


One of the most important elements of Christian anthropology is the idea of ​​man as the image of God. The biblical rooting of this topic is well known from the description of the creation of man in the first two chapters of the Bible. Here we will try to understand the theological and practical implications of this fundamental belief of biblical authors about the deep essence of the human being.



How to Cite

Кусьнєж, В. (2007). Man is the image and likeness of God: a biblical perspective. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (1), 58–72. Retrieved from