Faith as the means of personality forming (on the material of the novels by Ivan Bahrjanyj and George Orwell)


  • Svitlana Kobuta Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


typological approach, religion, faith, freedom, pressure, church, priest, self-respect, self-control, dignity


The article dwells on the transformation of the notions of church, priest and
parishioners as the main carriers of the religion ideas in the novels by Ivan
Bahrjanyj and George Orwell. The role of the religion as a mechanism of the
spiritual liberation of a personality and as the dimension of the person's freedom is determined. Typological similarities and differences of the peculiarities of the literary interpretation of the religion themes in the authors' works are defined.



How to Cite

Кобута, С. (2021). Faith as the means of personality forming (on the material of the novels by Ivan Bahrjanyj and George Orwell). Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (9), 264–268. Retrieved from