Biblical and moral foundation of private property


  • Ruslan Piasta PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of Ivan Zolotousty"



Holy Scripture, property, law, person, Church, Tradition, morality, ethics, responsibility, wealth, Social doctrine of the Church


The article is devoted to the theoretical definition of the role of private property according to the biblical-patristic and moral-ethical teachings of the Catholic Church. Ukraine lacks scientific and theological research on the meaning, purpose and contents of private property.

The fundamental task of this article is to find convincing arguments in the Scriptures, the patristic view and the Church’s teaching on the right to private property and whether it has a solid foundation in God’s will and is protected by His law. The article justifies the basic moral criteria related to the right of private property, according to the teachings of the Catholic Church.


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How to Cite

П’яста, Р. (2021). Biblical and moral foundation of private property. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (16), 55–65.

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