Worldview, philosophical, anthropological and ideological principles of national security


  • Volodymyr Sabadukha Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



national safety, national interest, chaos, priority of the spiritual, stages of spiritual development of a person, metaphysical theory of personality, ideology of personalism


The article deals with the worldview, philosophical-anthropological and ideological principles of national safety. It proves that the national safety issues arise from the growth of chaos in the human society. The worldview reason for the chaos is the priority of the material over the spiritual, and the methodological basis is the concept of “every person is an individual”, legitimizing the mediocre person’s right to power and leadership. It grounds that the worldview condition to ride the chaos is the priority of the spiritual over the material, and the methodological basis refers to the metaphysical theory of personality, the centerpiece of which is the worldview law “Personality is the origin of being”. The foundation of national safety under the conditions of paradigmatic changes in the Ukrainian society is the priority of the spiritual, the organization of public life according to the principle: “Personality is the principle of being” and the ideology of personalism.


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How to Cite

Сабадуха, В. (2021). Worldview, philosophical, anthropological and ideological principles of national security. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (16), 111–125.

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