The policy of the Bulgarian Exarchate of the period 1877-1915 in the context of Bulgarian national security


  • Vadym Kryklyvyi National Pedagogical University named after MP Drahomanov



Exarchate of Joseph I, national security, church-state relations, «statism», «nationalism», state formation


Historical and situation analysis of the processes of interaction between church and state in different historical conditions is one of the key methods of research church-state relations and interaction between the political and religious spheres. Historical examples can be used to deduce the regularities of the processes of politicization of the church, its formation as a subject of politics and participation in political processes: the creation of the state and the formation of the national security of the state, the formation of national identity, etc.

The purpose of the article is to review and analyze the policy of the Bulgarian Exarchate during the period of Joseph I, aimed to formation of the national security of the Bulgarian principality during the becoming of national states in the Balkans under the constant threat of loss of statehood. Features of the relationship of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church with the state and national liberation movements, diplomatic policy of the BOC in the international arena as an independent entity. Also, the analysis is required for formulation of regularities in the sphere of church-state relations, and for comparative studies.


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How to Cite

Крикливий, В. (2021). The policy of the Bulgarian Exarchate of the period 1877-1915 in the context of Bulgarian national security. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (16), 135–142.