Liturgical books of the Kyivan Church - source of particular law


  • Oleg Kaskiv PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of Ivan Zolotousty"



liturgical book, trebnyk, missal, Kievan Church, particular law, metropolitan


In this article had been investigated the liturgical books of the Kyiv Church. Among of these books, the most used were the gospels, apostles (lectionaries), psalteries, mines, triodes, timothy, octoichs, akapistniks, trebniks, missals, archieticons. In these books, and especially in their headings, there are various instructions for priestly ministries that relate to the sources of the law of the UGCC. Since the servants and supporters have the most canonical regulations and rules, this article analyzes the most utilized office missals and prayer-books of the Church of Kyiv.


Bychko I. Sofijnist' dialektychnogo myslennia. - Kyiv: Svitogliad I duhovna tvorchist, 1993. – 230 s. (in Ukrainian).

Gruscevskyj M. Istorii ukrainskoi literatury. T. II. Kyiv, 1993. – 410 s. (in Ukrainian).

Huzuliak L. Božestvena Litutgija Ivana Zolotoustogo v Kyivskij mytropolii pislia inii z Rymom. - Lviv: Svichado, 2003. - 432 s. (in Ukrainian).

Huzuliak L. Liturrgijnyj aspect. V poscukah identychnosti: Dokumenty shidnyh katolyzkyh Zerkov. - Lviv: Svichado, 2000, s.91-94. (in Ukrainian).

Evhologion abo Trebnyk Petra Mogyly, Kyiv 1646, foto peredruk Oleksy Gorbacha, Rym 1988. – 1673 s. (in Paleoslavo).

Kaskiv O. Istorychno-jurydychnyj rozvytok partykuliarnogo prava Ukrainskoi Greko-Katolyzkoi Zerkvy u svitli Kodeksu Kanoniv Shidnyh Zerkov, doktorska dysertazia, Rym, 2000. 231 s. (in Ukrainian).

Lotozkyj O. Ukrainski dzerela zerkovnogo prava, T. V. – Varscsava, 1931. -318 s. (in Ukrainian).

Mudryj S. Narys istorii zerkvy v Ukraini. Rym: vydavnyztvo OO.Vasylian, 1995. – 404 s. (in Ukrainian).

Mudryj S. Jurydychno-kanonichnyj aspect. V poscukah identychnosti: Dokumenty shidnyh katolyzkyh Zerkov. - Lviv: Svichado, 2000, s.49-90. (in Ukrainian).

Ohienko I. Ukrainska Zerkva. Kyiv, 1993. -310 s. (in Ukrainian).

Provinzijnyj Synod u Zamosti 1720 r. Postanovy. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Nova Zoria, 2006. – 304 s. (in Ukrainian).

Fedoriv J. Istoria Zerkvy v Ukraini. Toronto, 1990. – 362 s. (in Ukrainian).




How to Cite

Kaskiv, O. (2022). Liturgical books of the Kyivan Church - source of particular law. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (17), 18–26.

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