Bishop Sofron Mudryi: the importance of the Book of Hours in the life of a priest and the Church


  • Vasyl Pasichnyk-Rak Parish of St. Luke the Apostle



Once again, we are listening to the voice of Bishop Sofron Mudryi in order to learn something useful that can provide answers to the pressing issues of our time and the challenges of priestly ministry.

At the beginning of our report, it is necessary to clarify the main thoughts and theses on the topic of the Book of Hours that we find in the literary heritage of the bishop. Then we will conduct a certain verification, a critique of what has been said on the basis of what other authoritative church theologians say. In the final third part of the report, we will offer some comments and synthesis. Having thus outlined the content and objectives of our report, we will now proceed to its coverage.


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Kuntsler, M., Liturhiia Tserkvy. – Lviv: Svichado, 2001, 616 s.

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Mudryi, S., Slova. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Vydavnytstvo Ivano-Frankivskoi Teolohichnoi Akademii, 2002. – s. 168.

Mudryi, S., Slova. Vypusk 2. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Vydavnytstvo Ivano-Frankivskoi Teolohichnoi Akademii, 2002. – s. 308.

Mudryi, S., Slova. Vypusk 3. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Vydavnytstvo Ivano-Frankivskoi Teolohichnoi Akademii, 2008. – s. 352.

Mudryi, S., Slova. Vypusk 4. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Vydavnytstvo Ivano-Frankivskoi Teolohichnoi Akademii, 2009. – 308 s.

Mudryi, S., Pid opikoiu Bozhoho provydinnia. Spohady moho zhyttia. Vybrani statti i promovy. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Nova Zoria, 2008. – 216 s.

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Taft, R., Bohosluzhennia chasoslova na Skhodi ta na Zakhodi / Robert Taft; per. z anhl. D. Bendyk. – Lviv: Svichado, 2013. – 360 s.

Taft, R., Vizantiiskyi obriad. Korotka istoriia. – Vydavnytstvo UKU: Lviv, 2011. – 136 s.

Taft, R., Taft, R. F., A partire dalla liturgia. Perché è la liturgia che fa la Chiesa. – Roma: Lipa, 2004. – 448 c.

Taft, R., Taft, R. F., Liturgia. Modello di preghiera, icona di vita. – Roma: Lipa, 2009. – 216 s.

Ziziulas, Y., Buttia yak spilkuvannia. Doslidzhennia osobystisnosti i Tserkvy. – Kyiv: Dukh i litera, 2005. – 276 s.

Shmeman, A., Za zhyttia svitu: Tainstva i pravoslav’ia. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo UKU, 2009. – 211 s.

Shmeman.O.,Yevkharystiia. Tainstva Tserkvy. – Svichado: Lviv,2007. – 272 s.



How to Cite

Пасічник-Рак, В. (2024). Bishop Sofron Mudryi: the importance of the Book of Hours in the life of a priest and the Church. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (19), 37–46.