Theological reflection of the perception of the person of Jesus Christ in the light of the historical development of christological models


  • Vasyl Tuchapets PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy Ivana Zolotoustoho"



Jesus Christ, faith, infidelity, christological models


The person of Jesus Christ has remained a religious phenomenon for many centuries of mankind. The appearance of Jesus Christ in the history of mankind two thousand years ago and his special religious activities remain a relevant issue today. Traditionally, the relationship to the person of Jesus Christ is divided into two positions: those who believe and recognize His divine origin and those who do not believe and try to deny the Divinity of Jesus. From the point of view of fundamental theology and religious studies, the study of those two antinomian positions, in particular their debatable interrelationship, the permanence and deepening of the religious views of the believing side and the relativity and modification of the views about Jesus of the non-believing side, is an incompletely resolved scientific question. As a result, during many epochs of the development of human thought, we received two planes of Christological models: the plane of additions and deepening of faith in Jesus Christ and the plane of oppositions and denials of this faith. This study focuses precisely on this second plane: highlighting the opposing positions of faith and unbelief in Jesus Christ.


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How to Cite

Тучапець, В. (2024). Theological reflection of the perception of the person of Jesus Christ in the light of the historical development of christological models. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (19), 39–49.

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