The Ukrainian national idea as one of the fundamental components of the identity of the Ukrainian state in the context of the European community


  • Vitalii Derkach PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy Ivana Zolotoustoho"



national idea, Ukrainian state, European community, Ukraine, Ukrainian national idea


Today, in Ukraine, which, in the tragic circumstances of full-scale Russian aggression and a sharp ideological struggle, is forced not only to defend the European vector of its historical perspective but also to fight for the very existence of its own statehood and nation, the problem of the Ukrainian national idea is inevitably becoming more relevant. In the context of new foreign policy challenges, the search for ways to strengthen the national identity remains one of the important components of national security policy. In fact, the Ukrainian national idea arose and exists precisely to resist the invasive ideas of other nations and to promote the establishment of Ukrainians in the fullness of their own being as an original part of humanity. The basis for the spread of the so-called Russian world in Ukraine was the destruction and leveling of the Ukrainian national idea.



How to Cite

Деркач, В. (2024). The Ukrainian national idea as one of the fundamental components of the identity of the Ukrainian state in the context of the European community. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (19), 111–113.