Problems of Implementation of Approaches to Identification of the Victims of Military Aggression on the Territory of Ukraine and Ways to Solve Them
The war in Ukraine has triggered a number of socially negative phenomena, including high mortality rates and a massive influx of mutilated, depersonalized victims of armed conflicts who need to be identified. Despite all the measures taken by the authorities, there are still a large number of unidentified corpses in Ukraine. At the same time, the course toward European integration requires addressing a number of issues related to ensuring the basic principles of international humanitarian law, according to which the body of every deceased person has the right to be identified and handed over to relatives for burial.
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Pryntsypy funktsionuvannia systemy DVI INTERPOL ta spetsializovanoho prohramnoho zabezpechennia PLASS DATA SOFTWARE u rozrizi mizhnarodnoi spivpratsi ta pisliadyplomnoi osvity spetsialistiv stosovno identyfikatsii osib / Ye. Ya. Kostenko // Sudovo-medychna ekspertyza. - 2015. - № 2. - S. 16-28. - Rezhym dostupu:
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