Missionary activity Nicholas Charnetsky AS Apostolic in Volyn in the context of the Kovel Redemptorist community (1931 – 1938 years)


  • Victoriya Chornopyska Zarudyanska school of I-III centuries. Zboriv district of Ternopil region


Nicholas Charnetsky, Apostolic Visitator, Redemptorists, Volyn, the new union, missionary activities


The article analyzes the impact of missionary of Nicholas Charnetsky Redemptorist Fathers and the formation and spread of Eastern Rite Catholicism in Volyn in 1926 - 1938 gg. The features of appointment M. Charnetsky Apostolic visitator Volyn, Podlasie and Polesie.



How to Cite

Чорнописька, В. (2014). Missionary activity Nicholas Charnetsky AS Apostolic in Volyn in the context of the Kovel Redemptorist community (1931 – 1938 years). Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (6), 65–73. Retrieved from http://journal.ifaiz.edu.ua/index.php/gp/article/view/69