The features of the education in families of rural Greco-Catholic clergy of Galychina (end of ХІХth – 30th ХХ of century)


  • Oksana Drogobytska Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


greco-catholic clergy, education, Galychina, intelligentsia


The features of the education in families of rural greco-catholic clergy of Galychina at end of XlXth – 30th ХХ of century are analysed in the article. Considerable attention is turned on a specific labour, religious, patriotic, and also sexual education in families of representatives of clergy. A difference of education in families of intelligentsia and peasants is traced on the basis of wide circle of memoir sources.

Author marked that families of the Galycian clergy had been by those cells in that formed the new well-educated intelligentsia.



How to Cite

Дрогобицька, О. (2014). The features of the education in families of rural Greco-Catholic clergy of Galychina (end of ХІХth – 30th ХХ of century). Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (6), 123–130. Retrieved from