Letter memorial Metropolitan Joseph Sembratovych 1871 in the case of the national identity of rusyns of Galicia


  • Igor Rajkivsky Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


Metropolitan Y. Sembratovych, letter Memorial, Galicia, populists, Russophile (Muscophiles)


The article highlights the historical circumstances and content of the letter writing memorial Sembratovych Metropolitan Joseph (1870–1882 gg.) On 28 December 1870 (9 January 1871) in the case of national identity Galician-Ruthenian population. The letter was addressed to the leaders and populists Galician Russophile (Muscophiles) to reconcile the two currents national movement. They debated around the question of who are local Ruthenian Ukrainian: Ukrainian part of the original people or the wider community, which included «Great», «Little Russians» and «Belarusians». However, the action failed to overcome the separation of forces in the national camp, and strengthening Russophile influences in Galicia in 1870. Was one of the reasons for the resignation Y. Sembratovycha that he could not dominate the complex political situation.



How to Cite

Райківський, І. (2015). Letter memorial Metropolitan Joseph Sembratovych 1871 in the case of the national identity of rusyns of Galicia. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (7), 57–67. Retrieved from http://journal.ifaiz.edu.ua/index.php/gp/article/view/96