No. 7 (2015): Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Theological University of the UGCC "Good Parson". Collection of scientific works. Theology / Ch. ed. R.A. Gorban. - Issue 7: to the 130th anniversary of the establishment of the Stanislaviv Eparchy.

					View No. 7 (2015): Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Theological University of the UGCC "Good Parson". Collection of scientific works. Theology / Ch. ed. R.A. Gorban. - Issue 7: to the 130th anniversary of the establishment of the Stanislaviv Eparchy.

The collection contains scientific articles devoted to the historical retrospective of the formation and development of the Stanislaviv Eparchy, now - the Ivano-Frankivsk Archdiocese and the Metropolitanate of the UGCC. The collection was prepared as a special issue based on the results of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Ivano-Frankivsk Metropolitanate in the historical development and organizational structure of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church" (to the 130th anniversary of its establishment), held in Ivano-Frankivsk on April 16, 2015 p.

For specialists in the humanities and theology, doctoral students, graduate students and applicants, students of higher educational institutions, as well as anyone interested in the problems of theology, including the history of the UGCC.

Published: 2015-04-30
