Publication ethics

Within the framework of editorial policy, the scientific journal "Scientific Bulletin of the Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of Ivan the Golden-Mouthed UGCC" Good Parson". Theology. Philosophy. History". consistently adheres to the COPE Code of Conduct publishing standards approved by the COP (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Materials are reviewed by members of the editorial board of the publication and / or external independent experts, based on the principle of objectivity and from the standpoint of the highest international academic quality standards, and are edited.

The editors reserve the right to stylistically edit the manuscript and abbreviate, while preserving the author's style. Edits are agreed with the author, which, in the opinion of the editors, may change the content of the text.

The editorial board of the scientific publication reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the requirements and topics of the journal, and sends an e-mail notification to the authors of the refusal.

The opinions and suggestions expressed in the articles do not necessarily coincide with the point of view of the editorial board. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of information in articles, accuracy of titles, statistics, surnames and citations.

Submitted materials are not returned and cannot be published in other scientific journals until the notice of refusal to publish is received.

In cases of plagiarism, the authors of the submitted materials are responsible.

1. Ethical responsibilities of the editorial board.

The editorial board is responsible for the publication.

All materials submitted for publication are carefully selected and reviewed. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the article or return it for revision. The author is obliged to revise the article in accordance with the comments of reviewers or the editorial board.

The Editorial Board without prejudice considers all manuscripts submitted for publication, evaluating each article properly, regardless of race, religion, nationality, as well as the position or place of work of the author (authors). The Editorial Board makes fair and impartial decisions, independent of commercial or other interests, and ensures a fair review process.

The editorial board may reject the manuscript without review if it considers that the work does not correspond to the profile of the journal, and sends an e-mail notification to the authors of the refusal.

The editorial board of the journal opposes falsification, plagiarism, sending the author of one work to several journals, multiple copying of the content of the article in different works, misleading the public about the real contribution of the authors to the publication.

The editorial board has the right to remove even a published article, provided that a violation of someone's rights or generally accepted norms of scientific ethics is found out. The editorial board informs both the author who submitted the article and the organization where the work was performed about the fact of deleting the article.

The editor and members of the editorial board do not provide information related to the content of the manuscript under consideration to persons other than those involved in the professional evaluation of this manuscript. After a positive decision of the editor, the article is published in a journal and placed on the relevant electronic resources.

In accordance with international law regarding the observance of copyright on electronic information resources, materials of the site, electronic journal or project may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form (electronic or printed) without the prior written consent of the journal. When using published materials in the context of other documents, a reference to the original source is required.

Editors, authors, and reviewers should communicate their interests, which may affect their objectivity when editing and reviewing articles (in the event of a conflict of interest). These may be the interests of the intellectual plan, financial, personal, political, religious interests.

Prevention of illegal publications is the responsibility of every author, editor, reviewer, publisher and organization.

2. Ethical responsibilities of reviewers.

Manuscript review is an important step in the publishing process.

All articles submitted for publication should be recommended by the scientific institution of the Author (s) where the work was performed and reviewed by members of the editorial board of the journal.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to additionally appoint an independent reviewer.

The reviewer must provide an objective assessment of the quality of the manuscript, its presentation, and determine whether the manuscript meets high scientific and literary standards. The reviewer must respect the intellectual independence of the authors.

The manuscript submitted for review is a confidential document.

The reviewer must substantiate his conclusions convincingly enough.

The reviewer should draw the editor's attention to any significant similarities between this manuscript and any other published article or manuscript.

The reviewer must provide a timely response to the manuscript.

The reviewer should not use or disclose unpublished information contained in the submitted manuscript without the consent of the author or authors.

The reviewer does not know about the author, the author - about the identity of the reviewer.

3. Ethical responsibilities of authors.

The main responsibility of the author is to provide an accurate account of the study, as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Authors must present their results clearly and unambiguously so that their findings can be confirmed by other scientists, without falsifying the data or improperly manipulating them.

The authors of the articles are fully responsible for the content of the articles and for the very fact of their publication.

The author should cite those publications that have had a decisive influence on the essence of the work being taught, as well as those that can quickly acquaint the reader with earlier works that are important for understanding this study. It is also necessary to properly indicate the sources of fundamentally important materials used in this work, if these materials were not obtained by the author.

It is inadmissible to present plagiarism as an original work and submit a previously published article for publication. In cases of revealing these facts, the authors of the provided materials are responsible.

The co-authors of the article should be all those individuals who have made a significant scientific contribution to the work presented and who share responsibility for the results obtained. The author who submits the manuscript for publication is responsible for ensuring that the list of co-authors includes only those persons who meet the authorship criteria and assumes responsibility for the consent of other authors of the article to its publication in the journal.

Authors should notify the editor of any potential conflict of interest that could be affected by the publication of the results contained in this manuscript.

Authors must clearly indicate the sources of all cited or presented information and must duly refer to the literature used in the work, in accordance with the established requirements.

If the author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, you should notify the editors of the journal as soon as possible.

The editorial board has the right to refuse to publish the article in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the editorial board.