Father-mitrat Tit Voynarovskiy as associate of national revival of Galychina


  • Olena Gaydukevych Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University


In the article the described figure of father-mitrata UGKC Tita Voynarovskogo, as one of associates of national revival of Galychina in the difficult social and political terms of national confrontation in Galychina in 1920-1930th. Investigational different aspects of activity of T. Voynarovskogo, directed on the increase of level of spiritual, economic and nacional'no-kul'turnogo revival of Ukrainians of Galychina. It is well-proven that as a patriot, he loved the earth, guarded it, professionally and difficultly was in charge on it, because minds, that a way to growth of national, religious and moral consciousness of people lies exactly through a steady increase him financial and economic position in basis of which love is stopped up to native land, as wet mothers-nurses. Therefore questions of conservancy native edge were always in sight General Administrator of Table dibr Metropole Tita Voynarovskogo.



How to Cite

Гайдукевич, О. (2021). Father-mitrat Tit Voynarovskiy as associate of national revival of Galychina. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (9), 105–111. Retrieved from http://journal.ifaiz.edu.ua/index.php/gp/article/view/16

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