Narrative analysis of the Gospel of John (10.40 - 12.50)


  • Andrii Yatsyshyn PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy Ivana Zolotoustoho"


narrative analysis, Gospel of John, narrator, reader, plot, characters, implicit author, implicit reader, theological categories


The article concentrates his attention on narrative analysis of the text of Jn. 10, 40 - 12, 50, and presents a short biblical research, using the narrative approach and its principles. Have been demonstrated the effectiveness of the narrative approach for analyzing the biblical text through the entry into the world of its narrative plot (Narrative Criticism) and the reader’s response (Reader-Response Criticism) to this narrative from the perspective of knowing the original intent of the text, which was programmed by the implicit author. Have been shown as the text of Jn. 10, 40 - 12, 50 guides the reader through the story line of narrative plot, influencing the reader to accept and assimilate certain theological categories of stories or reject others.



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How to Cite

Яцишин, А. (2018). Narrative analysis of the Gospel of John (10.40 - 12.50). Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (12-13), 131–153. Retrieved from

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