Ministry of the Holy Liturgy in illegal conditions (1946-1989)


  • Yurii Petraniuk PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of Ivan Zolotousty"
  • Olha (s. Andreia) Maslii PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of Ivan Zolotousty"



Holy Liturgy, underground, UGCC, Mass, The Holy Eucharist, Communion


During the centuries of its existence, the Church of Christ has gone through various periods of historical development. From Pentecost to the present, these were times of freedom and persecution. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) found itself in a difficult situation in the Soviet system in the twentieth century, after the pseudo-council of 1946, when it was necessary to profess faith in Christ in illegal conditions, under strict control of state authorities and atheistic ideology.


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Мелніцький К. Свідчення. – Рим, 14.05.2012.

Потт Т. Сакраментальне розуміння Церкви: схід і захід. Наукові записки Українського Католицького Університету, І. 1. – Львів, 2009. – С. 250.

Сліпий Й. Головні правила сучасного душпастирства. – Збараж, 1941.



How to Cite

Петранюк, Ю., & Маслій, О. (с. А. (2020). Ministry of the Holy Liturgy in illegal conditions (1946-1989). Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (15), 110–113.

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