Bishop Ivan Lyatyshevsky and the Bohorodchany: From the Materials of the Chronicle of the Sisters-Myrrhbearers (1929-1939)


  • Olha (s. Andreia) Maslii PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of Ivan Zolotousty"



bishop, Ivan Lyatyshevsky, convent, Sisters-Myrrhbearers, chronicle


The article deals with the analyse of the activities of Auxiliary Bishop Ivan Lyatyshevsky based on the chronicle of the convent: «History of the House of Sisters- Myrrhbearers in Bohorodchany (1929–1939)». The circumstances of Bishop Ivan’s episcopal ordination, his visit to the convent of Sisters- Myrrhbearers, the attitude of the nuns to the bishop, as well as important events from the family and parish life of the Bohorodchany community are shown. Special attention is paid to the circumstances that preceded the bishop’s visit to Bohorodchany, to the persons who accompanied His Eminence Ivan Lyatyshevsky. The relations between the hierarchs of the Church, in particular, Bishop Ivan with Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky and Bishop G. Khomyshyn are revealed. Chronological framework of this chronicle covers the period from 1929 until 1939. Due to the beginning of the Second World War, the records of nuns were deprived of systematicity.


Arkhiv Zghromadzhennia sester Myronosyts (dali – AZSM). Bohosluzhennia, yaki vidpravlialysia v kaplytsi SS. Myronosyts v Bohorodchanakh (1930 – 1944 rr.). ark. 43.

AZSM. Istoriia Zghromadzhennia sester Myronosyts v Kliusovi kolo Krystynopolia (1910 – 1928 rr.). ark. 161.

AZSM. Istoriia Zghromadzhennia SS. Myronosyts v Kliusovi (1910 – 1939 rr.). ark. 277.

AZSM. Istoriia domu sester myronosyts v Bohorodchanakh (1929 – 1939 rr.). T. II. ark. 267.

AZSM. Shchodennyk ottsia Yuliiana Ivana Datsiia (1912 – 1930). ark. 58.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Ivano-Frankivskoi oblasti. F. 504. Op. 1. Spr. 330 «v». Metryka klyru. T. 3. ark.156.

Romaniuk V. Pid pokrovom Bohorodytsi. Knyha 1. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Symfoniia forte, 2014. – 351 s.

Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy u m. Lvovi. F. 408 (Hreko-katolytskyi mytropolychyi ordynariat m. Lviv. op. 1. spr. 270 (Lysty monakhyn ss. Myronosyts monastyria v Pidhirtsiakh do mytropolyta Sheptytskoho A. z protestom proty likvidatsii «Zghrupuvannia sester-myronosyts» ta z prokhanniam dopomohy). ark. 5.

Shematyzm vseho klyra Hreko-Katolytskoi yeparkhii Stanyslavivskoi na rik Bozhyi 1930. Stanyslaviv: 1930 r. – 206 s.

Shematyzm vseho klyra Hreko-Katolytskoi yeparkhii Stanyslavivskoi na rik Bozhyi 1935. Stanyslaviv: 1935 r. – 150 s.



How to Cite

Маслій, О. (с. А. (2021). Bishop Ivan Lyatyshevsky and the Bohorodchany: From the Materials of the Chronicle of the Sisters-Myrrhbearers (1929-1939). Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (16), 143–150.

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