About the poem "We have identified the true light": reflections on the article by Oleksiy Dmitrievsky


  • Ihor Vasylyshyn PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of Ivan Zolotousty"




stikhiron, Pentecost, Divine Liturgy, Saturday, commemoration of souls, memorial service, Ascension, troparion


The article analyzes the origin of singing the stikhiron «We have seen the true light», which is sung almost daily at the Divine Liturgy, referring to the reflections of the famous Russian scholar in the field of liturgy Alexei Dmitrievsky (XIX-XX centuries), who raised the issue about that problem more than a hundred years ago. Why are other hymns used instead of this hymn on certain days, what is the significance of this stikhiron for the worshipers - participants in the Christian temple service, how best to get out of the problem of the need to replace that stikhiron with another prayer on some days of the year? What are the regional features of this custom in Western Ukraine, where do Greek Catholic customs dominate? The author tries to answer these questions in the light of various liturgical sources and instructions.


Huculak Lawrence D., The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom in the Kievan Metropolitan Province during the Period of Union with Rome (1596–1839), (AnalectaOrdinis Sancti BasiliiMagni, Series II, Section 1, vol. 47) Rome: Order of St. Basil the Great, 1990, p. 420.

Dmitriyevskyi, O stikhire „Videhom Svet istinnyi” v chinah Liturgiy sv. Ioanna Zlstoustago i sv. Vasiliya Velikogo, Rukovodstvo dla selskih pastyrei, 1886. t. 10. s. 265-278.

Ieratikon en Rome 1950, s. 343.

Kern Kiprian, Euharisitya, Paryzh 1947, s.351.

Liturhiya Peredsheosvyachenyh Dariv, Rym 1984, s. 102.

Pravoslavnaya encyklopediya, intenet-versiya www.pravenc.ru

Skaballanovich, Hristianskie prazdniki, Pyatidesiatnica, Kyiv 1916, s.180.

Tipikon po chinu velykoi Hristovoi Tserkvi, Konstantinopol 1853, s. 344.

Taft R., A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. 6: The Communion, Thanksgiving, and Concluding Rites. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 281.) Roma 2008, p. 857.



How to Cite

Василишин, І. (2022). About the poem "We have identified the true light": reflections on the article by Oleksiy Dmitrievsky. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (17), 87–94. https://doi.org/10.52761/2522-1558.2022.17.8