History of the formation church rules


  • Lyubov Genyk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


Saints: Anthony, Pachomius, Basil the Great, Saint Sava, the Fathers - Studites, Athos monks is authors ancient Charters: Jerusalem and the Studied, Akathist, Alyluariy, Anaphora, Antiphon, Bohorodychen, Troparion, Kontakion, Litany - a large, small, peaceful, pleading, Communion, Cherubic Hymn, Creed, Risen, Velychalna, Exclamation - cal, Dogmatic, Zadostoynyk, Oikos, Ipakoy, Irmos, Canon, Casted, Poliyeleos, Prokimen, Triychen, Troparion and Kontakion, Svitylen, Stichera and religious songs


In the article the brief history of the formation of the Eastern Churches ecclesiastical rules and contribution of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the Ecumenical Councils in the process of its formation. Analyzed and systematized various source of church rules (Documents of the Ecumenical Councils; Sources of Canon Law of the Orthodox
Church; Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches; statutes: St. Sava, Jerusalem and Studied, Athos, prayer books, etc.). The article highlighted the following stages of the Divine Office: Old
Testament (II-I thousand BC), Christ-Apostolic (I century AD.), Ecumenical councils (IV – XIV c.), Reform and Contrreform (XVІ- ХVІІІc.) current - (XIX-XXI c). Church usually in the east formed: the founders of monasticism Anthony, Pachomius, Basil the Great, Saint Sava, fathers Studites, Athos monks. St. Sava of Jerusalem gave the order of worship in monasteries. Fathers-Studites shared order of worship for the monasteries and secular people.

In the Eastern rites is liturgy: St. James, Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts, St. Epiphanies, Gregory the Great, Nestorius, James Baradei and other. Parts of Eastern Rite Liturgy: proskomydiya, Liturgy of the Word (liturgy announced) liturgy victim (Liturgy of the Faithful).

On the article attached glossary of Music and liturgical terms (see: Applications).



How to Cite

Геник, Л. (2017). History of the formation church rules. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (10-11), 127–151. Retrieved from http://journal.ifaiz.edu.ua/index.php/gp/article/view/165

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