How not to lose the right to be called a Christian outside the Church today?


  • Vasyl Gogol PHEI "Ivano-Frankivsk Academy Ivana Zolotoustoho"



church, christian, parish, faith, temple, choice, Jesus Christ


The article analyzes the thesis, Christianity and the present, challenges and ways of their solution. It is found out what place a Christian takes, outside the Church, in a parish, in a family, in school, and in a society. It analyzes the challenges that arise before a Christian, it is important not to lose his identity. Therefore, each of us is called to bear Good News, an example of our own lives. To be a Christian means to belong to Christ and the content of his life to be thankful to God.


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How to Cite

Гоголь, В. (2020). How not to lose the right to be called a Christian outside the Church today?. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (14), 41–49.

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