Inclusion in the Church: opportunities, benefits, challenges


  • Oleh Yehreshii Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



inclusion, Church, sacred archetypes, desacralization of existence, «Evangeli Gaudium»


In the article the author tries to reveal the phenomenon of inclusion. According to the author, socio-cultural inclusion will lead to the integration into the Church of persons who superficially accept Christian canons and are not practicing Christians. The author assumes, that in society will continue the light version of Christianity, will spread religious indifferentism. The author makes a historical digression, points out that religion played a decisive role in the life of society.

The author places special emphasis on the civilizational archetypes of «victim» as well as on the archetype of «taboo». These archetypes were considered sacred and motivated by the fall of man. The author believes that at the present stage of civilization there is an ongoing leveling of sacred archetypes. The author quotes excerpts from the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis (Bergoglio) «Evangeli Gaudium». The author concludes that with an inattentive approach, an inclusive approach in the Church can lead to the trivialization, and later even the profanation of all Christian canons. The author of the article talks about the benefits of inclusion in the medical, human rights and charitable dimensions, but in the socio-cultural dimension he points to conventions and reservations.

Integration into the church life of people who adhere to non-traditional sexual orientation, LGBT communities requires a special approach and crystallization of a clear and understandable position of the Church. Otherwise, according to the author, there is a threat of further desecration of life.


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How to Cite

Єгрешій, О. (2021). Inclusion in the Church: opportunities, benefits, challenges. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (16), 126–134.

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