The phenomenon of human freedom when making a personal choice


  • Bohdan Rokhman Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Oleh Savchuk King Danylo University



freedom, self-realization, work, religious choice, phenomenon


The article is sanctified to the displays of various forms realizations of religious choice, that assist self-realization of personality.

The aim of the article consists in research of the phenomenon of freedom of man at realization by her the personal religious choice, conceptions of freedom creation in her modern kind and taking into account of the latest models of perception of the world, them scientific reflections. In this plan especially model theoretical positions of post-modernism that defends thesis about «dimensionlessness of freedom».

At preparation of research a complex was applied as philosophical so special religious methods. To the first group it follows to take the methods of scientific analysis and synthesis, characteristic for modern scientific paradigma approaches, that include the elements of scientific induction and deduction, and also interdisciplinary approach that provided bringing in of these allied subjects, : philosophy, theology and religious studies. To the special religious methods of application of that provided the depth of opening of corresponding range of problems take the methods of religious tolerance, ontological, axiology and hermeneutics approaches.


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How to Cite

Рохман, Б., & Савчук, О. (2022). The phenomenon of human freedom when making a personal choice. Good Parson: Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, (17), 141–148.

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